What I learned from Leah:
- that it’s easy to recruit others for a good cause
- that people respond to enthusiasm with enthusiasm
- that our clients have big hearts
The Story
My colleague, Leah Leonhard, initiated a holiday Food Drive at our clinic last week. The donations are for the San Diego Food Bank, who will distribute the food and other needed products to homeless shelters throughout the city this holiday season.
After just one week, look at what we (Leah) have accumulated!

Week 1
Two things made this possible:
- Leah’s initiative and enthusiasm
- The enthusiastic response and generosity of our clients
In helping to nourish the homeless, you have given us a gift as well — every day we see your generous donations, we are reminded of the life-giving community in which we are involved, and that goodwill is recyclable. Thanks for everything.
We will be accepting donations for the San Diego Food Bank thru November 23. If you would like to donate, items currently in short supply are:
- Rice
- Beans
- Oatmeal
- Diapers
- Milk (canned or boxed)
- Cereals
Other items that are accepted include:
Canned meat, canned nuts and seeds, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, canned fruits and veggies, canned juices, dried fruits, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, detergent, pudding, pasta, baking mixes, low sodium or no-salt items.
Bring your donations to your next appointment, or feel free to just stop by.
We look forward to seeing you!
Carl is a former engineer who applies rational thought to the often subjective nature of traditional healing. He practices acupuncture in San Diego, CA.